Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Once again I don't know what this is about... least I'm kind of back, and ready to discuss the things I said I would when I first started this blog.

Although I'm thinking about discussing about a service I know nothing (or almost nothing) about. I have signed up with them, and I signed up rather hastily too. :s I think maybe their video introduction got my attention and also got my hopes up. I'm not saying the service doesn't work I'm just saying I've become dubious of it. I suppose after coming across so many scams it's hard to believe if anything is genuine.

Just to clarify my position: I really don't know what to think of this service / system. I'm totally undecided as to its legitimacy or any benefits (or not) people may get from it.

I'm referring to 3CM / The 3 Cash Machine. I've seen various opinions through various forums and other websites, but nothing conclusive. I sometimes find it hard to believe in the opinions of people whoring their affiliate / referral links. Of course if people want you to sign up under them they're going to make what you're signing up for sound good.
As I've not really done anything beyond signing up with 3CM. I couldn't tell you that much. Apart from they do seem to send you some interesting information and ideas. As that is all I can really tell you with any certainty; I've decided to add some videos and links to this post so you can check them out for yourself.

You can either go straight to The 3 Cash Machine (Where you can watch the introduction video) or you can watch it here, as well as a couple of others I've found.

This is the introduction video
(Stay tuned for the end, it's very cheeky)

This is a video review,
(I assume it's by someone who uses the service)
and it gives you a bit more information.

This video gives more information on traffic exchanges.

and I also found a >review<. It's pretty much the best one I found. Or at least the only one that didn't seem like a pitch from a member wanting referrals.

I can't tell you what made me sign up so hastily. Maybe it was desperation. :sweat:
I'm trying to make £10.000 disposable "" within the year. Which I think I put into my current "About Me" section. I might elaborate more on that later.

I suppose the idea was sold to me because it wasn't your typical pitch. Which I saw a perfect- (exagerated even) example of the other day, on a site that was selling a how to get rich online package. >.> I generally think the only people getting rich from these packages are the people selling them. There might be some good literature out there which includes examples of how to make money, but there seems to be an awful lot of things that just come across as scams. They have that long sales page with the narrow template [X], and the information contained on the page includes phrases such as: "Simple, proven, battle tested, 4 step secret system, 2 secret ingrediants that can make YOU easy money with this easy, fast 1-2-3 system... Blah blah blah...

There was more, but I couldn't go on. This particular one I'm referring to started off as really patronising too... Well... I say "Started off..." The whole thing was pretty patronising. Especially the bit when I was being told that- 7 mp3's would usually cost me $259. I'm not going to use the response I usually would if someone told me that. I suppose I can tell you that it begins and ends with the letter "F." I think you probably get the general idea. I suppose they weren't just any mp3's, they were "Killer" mp3's... 8D

Okay... I think I'll put my sarcasm back in it's box for now, and say Bye for now, and take care.